Saturday, December 13, 2008

Why Study In Europe

Schooling is suppose to be the most adventurous thing in the life of a
student, but in this part of the world; hardship associated with
students life has indeed made it difficult, if knowledge has not been
power as they said most students would have avoided it like plague
However, this in not so in Europe, schooling is full of adventures and
very interesting thing that remain memorable in the life of every
students even after graduation .Accommodation, transportation,
electricity and water supply problems were not applicable to
students in Europe.
Apart from that it takes between three and four years to complete a
regular degree anywhere in Europe and of course you are always
sure of getting admission if and where you are qualified.
The educational curriculum is fashioned after that of Britain and the
USA, so students in Schengen nations receives world-class education.
Sound education, exposure and high level of dynamism are what you
acquire when you study in Europe.
Student Status in Europe
Student’s status means, the category of visa you are carrying as a
student in Europe. Your Status is virtually the best non- immigrant
visa, with which you can move about freely, within Europe and other
continents as long as your documents were valid.

Work and Study in Europe:

Work and Study in Europe: A step-by-step Guide on How to Gain
Admission to Low and Free Tuition Universities in Europe is an
information product, specially designed for Nigerian students who
want to have international exposure, and those who were desirous
of having foreign qualifications.
At the same time it serves as a succor to those who could not easily
secure admissions to Nigerian Universities because of JAMB
inadequacies who could only provide placement for less than 20% of
over 1 million students who sit for the examination every year.
This special report is a result of about six years of frantic research,
and I have compiled it that whoever could take simple instruction
would be able to make good use of the information.
My name is Oladipo Simeon, a Research and Marketing
Development Officer for an International Information Technology
firm in Nigeria, and I operate on freelance level as Executive Director
(Research& Studies) for Ethics Foundation an NGO with Head Office
in Vienna, Austria
My link, exposure and the incredible power of the Internet have
made it possible to compile these priceless information products
over the years for students of both Undergraduates and Graduate
studies in all areas of specializations. This report focuses on the
easiest ways to secure admissions in Europe and if the step-by-step
guide in the e-book is strictly observed admission in the stated
countries is guaranteed.
Where there is need to pay tuition at all the scholarships available
were fully explored, but in most cases University Education in most
part of Europe is Tuition free.

However, where tuition fees are required it is as low as 780 Euro
(seven hundred and eighty Euro) this including student union fees
and compulsory insurance fees. This is the best and most
comprehensive detail information of its class.
Applicants will read this step-by-step guide, an exposure to over five
hundred fully accredited Universities in Europe, that is all Schengen
nations, in countries where English is not their official language you
have to either learn their language or take your courses in English
language, but I strongly recommend that you learn their language,
this gives you an upper hand in your career, Kofi Anah speaks six
international languages.
More still, you have the right to work for a sizable numbers of hours
to support yourself as a student. What is supposed to be
cumbersome has been simplified by the impact of this report. You
are taken through the best time to apply and the application
deadlines so that your application is not rejected.
The most important thing is that you should take your time to read
all this report carefully before you jump to action of choosing the
University and the course you wish to pursue, because every aspect
of this report contains vital information required to succeed. The
product is in digital form and would be delivered electronically.
In the course of your applications should you have any problem, do
not hesitate to contact me for clarification as you would have all my
contact details.
Thank you for your trust;
Good Luck!