Study overseas
why study overseas?
What types of overseas study options are there?
What are formal exchange programmes?
What are study abroad programmes?
Australian overseas campuses
Study tours
OS-HELP assistance
Who should you contact about overseas study?
International scholarships, fellowships and awards
Why study overseas?
Studying overseas allows you to experience different social, economic and political systems, and establish relationships with people and organisations in other countries.
What types of overseas study options are there?
The types of overseas study options are:
- formal exchange programmes
- study abroad programmes
- Australian overseas campuses
- study tours.
What are formal exchange programmes?
Formal exchange programmes allow students who are enrolled at an Australian higher education provider (home provider) to undertake study with an overseas higher education institution (host institution) that counts towards the course of study at the student’s home provider.
It involves an agreement between the home provider and the host institution to have a reciprocal swapping of students.
Students on formal exchange programmes are generally entitled to Commonwealth assistance for the study that they undertake overseas. That is, the student accesses their Student Learning Entitlement (SLE) and Commonwealth assistance (such as HECS-HELP and FEE-HELP) for units of study under the same provisions that apply in Australia.
See also:
- Undergraduate: Student Learning Entitlement
- Postgraduate: Student Learning Entitlement
What are study abroad programmes?
Study abroad programmes allow students who are enrolled at an Australian higher education provider (home provider) to undertake study with an overseas higher education institution (host institution) that counts towards the course of study at the student’s home provider.
Students on a study abroad programme are not normally covered by an agreement between their home provider and the host institution. Some providers may provide financial support for students undertaking the study abroad programme but typically these students are responsible for the cost of their overseas tuition and these costs are determined by the host institution.
Australian overseas campuses
Some Australian higher education providers operate their own offshore campuses, which enable students to undertake overseas study without having to enrol with another overseas higher education institution.
Study tours
Some Australian providers offer units of study that involve a period of study overseas. Generally, students will travel with their lecturer and other students enrolled in the unit. Information on study tours is generally available through university handbooks and academic faculties/departments that organise these opportunities.
OS-HELP assistance
OS-HELP is a new loan scheme to assist eligible undergraduate students who undertake part of their course of study overseas with their expenses.
OS-HELP is not available to students undertaking their whole course of study overseas.
See also: OS-HELP
Who should you contact about overseas study?
You should contact the student exchange or study abroad office at your higher education provider about overseas study opportunities and whether financial assistance may be available for you.
International scholarships, fellowships and awards
A number of scholarships, fellowships and awards are available for overseas study.
See also:
- Department of Education, Science and Training website for International Awards and exchanges
- Australian Education International
See also: Scholarships
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